Oct 24th, 2005
Dec 17th, 2005 in Aurora, COLORADO,
We will have machines you can use on location and bring your own computer or
console spots available for
this event. Email us at BAPGAMING
if you would like to attend or need any additional info. Sign up
starts BAPGAMING. Special thanks to our current sponsors
including Corsair, nVidia, ATI, BAP, GameScape, and the Wizards Chest.
Please take a minute and check them out in our sponsors section. Make sure you read the
section of our site if you wish to attend.
on Nov 19th, 2005. Colorado Springs, CO..
on Dec 3rd, 2005. Colorado Springs, CO..
Aug 30th, 2005
Oct 22nd, 2005, Aurora, COLORADO,
We will have machines you can use on location and bring your own computer or
console spots available for
this event. Email us at BAPGAMING
if you would like to attend or need any additional info. Sign up
starts BAPGAMING. Special thanks to our current sponsors
including Corsair, nVidia, ATI, BAP, GameScape, and the Wizards Chest.
Please take a minute and check them out in our sponsors section.
on Sep 17th, 2005. Colorado Springs, CO..
on Sep 24th, 2005. Colorado Springs, CO..
June 20th, 2005
30th, 2005, Aurora, COLORADO,
We will have machines you can use on location and bring your own computer or
console spots available for
this event. Email us at BAPGAMING
if you would like to attend or need any additional info. Sign up
starts BAPGAMING. Special thanks to our current sponsors
including Corsair, nVidia, ATI, BAP, GameScape, and the Wizards Chest.
Please take a minute and check them out in our sponsors section. Make sure you read the
section of our site if you wish to attend.
May 2nd, 2005
Aug 27th, 2005, Aurora, COLORADO,
We will have machines you can use on location and bring your own computer or
console spots available for
this event. Email us at BAPGAMING
if you would like to attend or need any additional info. Sign up
starts BAPGAMING. Make sure you read the
section of our site if you wish to attend.
in Grapevine, Texas on August 11-14, 2005.
in Portland, Oregon on August 11-14, 2005.
April 28th, 2005
April 30th, 2005, Aurora, CO. 10am-7pm
and 8pm-8am. Special note: We are now at a larger
location. For those that were on our waiting list, you can now get in. We
still have machines on location and a few bring your own computer spots
remaining. Email us at BAPGAMING
if you would like to attend or need any additional info. See you at
the event! Make sure you read the
section of our site if you wish to attend.
April 20th, 2005
April 30th, 2005, Aurora, CO.
10am-7pm and 8pm-8am. Special thanks to our current sponsors
including Corsair, nVidia, ATI, BAP. Please take a minute and check them
out in our sponsors section. Email us at BAPGAMING
if you would like to attend. Make sure you read the
section of our site if you wish to attend.
Mar 6th, 2005
April 30th, 2005, Aurora, CO. Event is filling up. Email us now at BAPGAMING
if you can attend. We will send you
directions after you confirm you can attend in an email to us at: BAPGAMING
if there is space remaining at our event. Make sure you read the
section of our site if you wish to attend.
on April 2nd, 2005. Colorado Springs, CO..
April 8th, 9th, 2005. Colorado Springs, CO..
Feb 17th, 2005
April 30th, 2005, Aurora, CO. Make sure you read the
section of our site if you wish to attend.
on Feb 18th,
19th, 2005. Golden, CO.
Jan 10, 2005
on Jan 22nd,
10:00AM, 2005. E-mail us if you would like to attend. We will
send you directions after you confirm you can attend in an email to us at: BAPGAMING
if there is space remaining at our event. Make sure you read the
section of our site if you wish to attend.